Adoh Update – October 10, 2022


I am so sorry for the delay on this newsletter. Travelling and training has been so crazy. I am excited to fill you in on everything though…

First, the trip to Colombia was incredible. The race ended up not panning out in my favor, but after a loss like that I had plenty of takeaways for the next one. This race was actually almost cancelled due to severe weather and course flooding. I think racing through adversity like that prepares you even better for the good days. On a positive note the street food and fruit were delicious. 

This upcoming weekend I was supposed to be racing in my first Asian Cup in Hong Kong, however, the Chinese federation has decided to cancel this event due to the recent spike in covid outbreaks. This is a bummer, but we are replacinLatestg this event with the final America’s Cup in Stockton, MO. This will be the final race of my season. 

Following this race, I will be spending the rest of the year in California working with the 2016 US Olympic Swimming Coach. As you may remember Speedo got me plugged in with this coach when I was in Long Beach earlier this year. I will be spending a bulk of this ‘off season’ heavily focused on swim technique and swim volume. We have learned after this racing season the bike and run portion of these races are where they need to be, but the swim is a bit out of that range. With that being first, we want to throw everything we can at it to set these races up better. 

This journey continues to open doors for me and I am blessed to be able to work towards my dream every single day. I am grateful for your support on this journey with me. Stay tuned for the next adventure!

God Bless 


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